Energy Management

When considering the sustainability of your company, going carbon neutral in your production facilities is an unavoidable task. At the same time, continuous energy conservation is becoming more important than ever before in order to reduce energy costs in conjunction with Carbon Neutral. CM Plus provides energy management services not only for new production facilities but also for existing production facilities.


The features of CM Plus energy management are as follows


(1) Energy management starting from the process equipment and system.
We believe that conventional energy conservation measures mainly involve the introduction of high-efficiency stand-alone equipment and intelligent power generation. In contrast, the energy management of factory production facilities proposed by CM Plus aims to conserve energy throughout the entire factory facility system, starting with the production facilities.

(2) Propose energy solutions
We will conduct a survey of the current energy consumption of existing production facilities and at the same time check the production status. Based on this data, we will propose energy solutions. This enables the client to formulate a roadmap to achieve carbon neutrality.

(3) Energy visualization
Based on the results of the study, new equipment will be installed if necessary. We also propose continuous energy management through energy visualization.
The energy management services proposed by CM Plus are only possible because of CM Plus’ expertise in production facilities and comprehensive engineering capabilities.

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